Why does it matter,?
The elections will be the first in Hong Kong since mass violent protests sparked by a fugitive bill erupted in June,。
Expected to be particularly competitive, the elections will see all 452 seats contested for the first time with the number of candidates also breaking the record,。 In the last election,, in 2015, 68 seats were uncontested。
Although district council members have no decision-making power over government policies,, they can still help decide the makeup of a committee which will choose the chief executive,。
The 1,,200-member election committee will include 117 district councilors。 And in the Legislative Council,, Hong Kong‘s lawmaking body,, six members come from the district councils,。
Will polls be canceled or postponed,?
The unrest in the city has raised speculation that Sunday‘s elections could be postponed,。
To hold the elections on time,, “violence and intimidation must be stopped,,” said Chief Executive Carrie Lam ahead of the elections,。
Patrick Nip,, secretary for constitutional and mainland affairs of the HKSAR government,, broke down three factors that are important to guarantee a safe and orderly election,。
“First,, to stop violence,; Second,, tunnels and major roads must not be blocked。 Third,, transport facilities must not be vandalized?!?nbsp;
In case of a delay due to disruption,, the government has already notified lawmakers that if the election was postponed it would be moved to December 1。
Under the District Councils Ordinance,, voting can only be postponed for 14 days,。
新華社香港11月8日電 題:絕不允許暴力影響香港區(qū)議會選舉結果 新華社記者 暴徒對愛國愛港人士,、區(qū)議會候選人何君堯的刺殺事件,已嚴重危及香港選舉的公平,、公正和安全