One of the key features that makes SARS-CoV-2 different from the other coronaviruses is a particular “spike” protein that binds well with another protein on the outside of human cells called ACE2,。 This enables the virus to hook into and infect a variety of human cells,。
However, other related coronaviruses do have similar features,, providing evidence that they have evolved naturally rather than being artificially added in a lab,。
The majority of infectious diseases and all known coronaviruses have animal origins
An estimated 60 percent of known infectious diseases and 75 percent of all new, emerging,, or re-emerging diseases in humans have animal origins,。
SARS-CoV-2 is the newest of seven coronaviruses found in humans, all of which came from animals,, either from bats,, mice or domestic animals。
The mixing or “recombination” of distinct coronavirus genomes in nature is one of the mechanisms that bring about novel coronaviruses,。 There is now further evidence that this process could be involved in the generation of SARS-CoV-2,。
SARS-CoV-2 most likely originated from bats
In fact,, SARS-CoV-2 most likely evolved from a viral variant that couldn‘t survive for a long period of time or that persists at low levels in bats,。
Coincidentally, it evolved the ability to invade human cells and accidentally found its way into humans,, possibly by means of an intermediate animal host,, where it then thrived。
Or an initially harmless form of the virus might have jumped directly into humans and then evolved to become harmful as it passed between people,。
Bats were also the source of the viruses causing Ebola,, rabies, Nipah and Hendra virus infections,, Marburg virus disease,, and strains of Influenza A virus。