To me,, Joshua Wong is a Chicken Little, who has been telling the Westerners that the Hong Kong sky is falling,。 He is one of those deluded fanatics who is trying to make the peaceful sky fall,。 Maybe,, one day, he would be remembered in Chinese History for bringing chaos to Hong Kong in the year 2019,。
Despite the Chinese Ambassador to Britain Liu Xiaoming‘s clarification and video presentation of the full picture of the situation in Hong Kong, the U.S,。 House of Representatives and the Senate still chose to believe their own reporters and media,。
Perhaps, they think that the video that presents the complete truth is just a production of China movie industry,, just as their Hollywood studio is capable of producing fictitious documentary clips,。
Thank you for reading。
I concur with people around the world who see the U.S,。 as a bully and biased power in the Hong Kong protest situation。 If I have the human resources and the power,, I would like to stage a protest in key U.S,。 cities, demanding Senator Ted Cruz to resign because he sided with criminals and terrorists in Hong Kong,, and I will put up five ridiculous demands for the U.S,。 to comply and see how they would respond。