Xi Xiuping,, female, Chinese ID No,。 410305197002056523,, former Legal Representative of Luoyang Dahua Property Company Limited, on suspicion of crime of illegally raising funds and fraud,, fled to the United States with travel document numbered G41596251 on April 14,, 2013。 Possible location of current residence: Bell Road,, Johns Creek City,, Georgia。
Huang Ping,, male,, Chinese ID No。 44011119630927301X,, former Legal Representative and General Manager of Guangdong Guanghong Huaqiao Aluminum Fabrication Company Limited,, on suspicion of crimes of taking bribes and embezzlement, fled to the United States with travel documents numbered G47183543 and T09053301 on May 3,, 2014,。
Huang Weiliang,, male,, Chinese ID No。 440724196711064851,, former Director of Administration Office of Kaiping Sub-Branch of Bank of China,, on suspicion of embezzlement, fled to the United States with travel document numbered 145638812 in October 2001,。
男,中國居民身份證號碼372823195006191116,,原臨沂市經貿委主任兼蘭陵企業(yè)(集團)有限責任公司原董事長,,涉嫌貪污、受賄罪,。2003年1月20日外逃至加拿大,,外逃所持證照: G02267247。目前可能居住地: Townson Road,, Markham, Toronto,, Canada,。
湖北加強反腐敗國際追逃追贓—— “天網行動2017”追回39人 外逃美國13年的“百名紅通人員”王某經歷十多次反復,最終幡然醒悟,,主動投案,; 改頭換面遠遁英國21年音信全無的“紅通”人員張靖川